C&G Home Inspection Prices

We work for you and within your budget. Call us for an appointment!

2500 sq ft or less $400
2500-3000 sq ft $450
3000-3500 sq ft $500
3500-4000 sq ft $550
4000-4500 sq ft $600
Over 4500 sq ft $50 per 500 Feet
Swimming Pool/Spa $150
Sprinkler $50
Over 30 yrs old $50
Phase Inspection up to 4000 sq ft (3 visits) $700
Phase Inspection additional $100 each 500 sq ft  
Additional Trip Re/Inspect Charge $150


Our payment options are PayPal, Check, and Cash

  • Houston Assocation of Realtors
  • Texas Association of Real Estate Inspectors
  • National Association of Certified Thermographers
  • NSPF Certified, Pool, Spa Operators